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RE: [microsound] COH "Postpop"

I'll give postpop a listen today and report back. ;)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: vadim [mailto:autopilote@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 7:36 AM
> To: microsound
> Subject: Re: [microsound] COH "Postpop"
> > Anyway, regarding SND, Mark Fell's Ten Types of
> > Elsewhere is amazing. Those who are sick of the
> > Autechre Untilted debate, please listen to COH and
> > Mark Fell. Both have been on constant play for me, and
> > I haven't grown bored yet.
> fell's record has been on heavy rotation for me for a bit. the range
> of sounds seems limited at first, but there are some great microscopic
> details that ive been uncovering through multiple listenings. plus (at
> least initially) the surprise at hearing the looped melodic fragments
> that sit so well within the rest of the work.
> havent heard postpop yet though.
> --
> v'
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