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RE: [microsound] [OT] RE: [microsound] PD installation



-----Original Message-----
From: morgan quaintance [mailto:plugcs_123@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: 04 May 2005 18:18
To: microsound; msglists@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [microsound] [OT] RE: [microsound] PD installation

Christopher Sorg <msglists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>For beginners, I recommend the Pure Data Extended version, which is
>precompiled and includes most of the externals available. For OSX, get
>the .dmg file; for PC, .exe. The package has it's own installer. It's
>not the latest and greatest version of PD, but it works fine.


where do i get this from? The .dmg file for osx i mean


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