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Re: [microsound] RE: summertime project?


we where discussing this last night:

Bjorn set up the wiki page for the project:

step in.



On 6/30/05, simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Nick and all,
> I have been working on a piece called 'memory of summer' - what
> interests me is creating a track based around summer only from memory
> (as someone suggested before). I will also work on a piece more locally
> based in Australia's winter...
> I really like the ideas that this project has brought up and it would be
> great to have it coordinated. Perhaps you and I could nut out some
> project guidelines and get people to post their tracks on the hotline
> server/twiki? Email me with suggestions..
> Who actually did start this thread?? :)
> Simon.
> Symbiosis
> Sunday nights, 12am - 2am
> 102.7 FM / www.rrr.org.au
> Melbourne, Australia
> info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > -------- Original Message --------
> > Subject: Re: [microsound] RE: summertime project?
> > From: nick knouf <nknouf@xxxxxxxxx>
> > Date: Thu, June 30, 2005 2:28 pm
> > To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> > Hmm, no movement on this for nearly a week...
> >
> > I'm not sure if there is a person "in charge" of this project; maybe
> > the thread starter?  I don't want to step on anyone's toes here, but
> > if nobody else is interested in taking charge, I'd be interested/able
> > to...
> >
> > We seem to have a fairly wide range of options, but one of the
> > overarching themes (as I read it) is using the sounds of your locale
> > as the basis of a composition.  For many, that might be the sounds of
> > insects, of people jumping into a swimming pool, of thunder.  For
> > others, the sound of cold rain, of boots in the snow, of rustling
> > leaves.  (pardon me if those sounds are completely out of whack for
> > those of you in the southern hemisphere; i'm basing it on my knowledge
> > of winter in the northern hemisphere)
> >
> > So it seems to me that what we should do is first collect the sounds
> > of "summer" (and if you're interested/willing, provide those sounds by
> > hosting them/linking to them from the wiki) and then work those into a
> > composition of your own desire.  At the end of the summer we upload
> > the files for everyone to enjoy, and perhaps, given the interest,
> > provide a CD to those who wish one.
> >
> > Now, maybe I've completely misrepresented people's desires here, but
> > if not, does this sound like a good point of departure for the
> > project?
> >
> > cheers,
> >
> > nick
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