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Re: [microsound] BEACH MIX

Okay. Is there consensus, though, that it be distilled down to the specifics of BEACH?

On Jun 20, 2005, at 12:58 PM, Mr.D wrote:

I agree with John, the wiki should be used both to collaborate on the ruleset and the actual work submission. Perhaps there should be a date where the ruleset is firm and no further suggestions can be taken. I'm all for this, and agree that with little effort we can keep it congealed. :)

Possible time window for submissions: one month after the summer solstice (tonight)

The work or system of works must [ relate to | encapsulate | communicate ] the word: BEACH

Questions you may ask yourself when thinking about submitting:

What beauty is there to be found between the sounds of our surroundings?

How can my [ style | approach | genre | process ] relate to microsound?

How does the "digital aesthetic" find its way into and out of the environment?


On Jun 20, 2005, at 8:13 AM, john saylor wrote:


On 6/20/05, chris mcnamara <mcnafong@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

How do we want to
facilitate this? What is the timeline? Will somebody host it and when
we have a nice collection even do a cd-r release?

traditionally projects have floundered unless they were initiated by
kim. maybe this will be different. this is what i would suggest.

- agree on the 'rules' [aesthetic notes, file formats, time window for
acceptance of submissions]
- post an announcement with the rules to the list
- i can make a wiki page to hold the submissions
- eventually, someone will make a nice web front end for them

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