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[microsound] Re: london project
>I would say "memorials" of Madrid and London and no
>mention of
>anything else speaks for itself. Or rather the
absence >of all the
>rest speak very loud and clear.
what is spoken in "absence"? Does "absence" equal
something 'negative' or dishonorable, etc. so
patentedly, always?
Aren't you making a dialectic (+/-) out of this? Must
it be driven into that corner? What is the point?
In fact, does anything preclude you calling for a
project regarding Iraq, etc. etc. ?
>On the other hand micrsosound as a style is
conserving >and of no use
>in 'fighting' for peace.
That's it? Doesn't art do things beyond its strict
'space'? ...
>this is best done starting
>locally in real-
>life (which is how I do my share).
It isn't one or the other. Activism has its power,
but it isn't all. Neither is making 'art'. Who can
say which has had a bigger effect. Did "The Jungle"
change meat production or 'activism'? Did activism
slow down vietnam? Was Hendrix' Star Spangled Banner
of absolutely no social significance in the process??
>As for microsound being subversive - you wish ;=) A
>bunch of rich
>westerners playing with computer software repeating
in >a new
>technology what was artistically already done in the
>50's ;=))
cynicsm is funny because it takes wild leaps. Like
this 'statement' (?)
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