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Re: [microsound] [OT] So, how much spit does it take to fry a

those curtis roads books look pretty damn strategically placed:)

Kassen wrote:

> P. Lasell wrote:
> >Well, sounds like Macs are having a hard time with keyboards. I can
> >basically BBQ on the keyboard of my pc laptop and it holds up fine. I
> >also take it in the shower with me, use it as an umbrella, or use it as
> >a cutting board, and it keeps on truckin'
> >
> >
> they don't make 'em like this anymore;
> http://kassen.mine.nu/gear/silent_studio.jpg
> (that one still boots, it's still on the Original dos 3.3 floppy, I wish
> I could find a sequencer for it.)
> Kas.
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