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Re: [microsound] PSP
Hye, you've seem to be in luck. a working firmware
downgrader (from v2.0 --> v1.5) has been released
today. this will enable users to downgrade their psps
and then run unsigned code on them.
(for legal reasons make your own search on google for
a psp downgrader).
--- Kim Cascone <kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I am considering getting a PSP (Play Station
> Portable) this winter and
> was wondering if there were any microsound/digital
> media content for
> this platform?
> if so, please pass along any URL's?
> have any microsounders developed content for this
> platform yet?
> and if so what tools did you use?
> note: I found what looks to be a cool tool (not sure
> as I haven't got a
> PSP to test it with): PSPWare (for OS X)
> http://www.nullriver.com/index/products/pspware
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