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Re: [microsound] Re : Sound Topography (architecture)
>Hello Everybody,
>After having sent the previous post, I read the François Ascher's essay (New
>Principles of Urbanism) one more time, espacially the passage entitled "a
>new urban quality"? This passages treats about sensitive, senses? He
>compared old urbanism and the so-called neo-urbanism? According to him, the
>neo-urbanism develops an fonctionnal approach which can be more subtle?
>Which means that neo-urbanism, now, takes multisensitive dimensions into
>account, and endeavour to work not only visible (as the old urbanism always
>did) but the noise, the tactile and the olfactory. In fact, the
>multisensitive design of the city permits to create new and various
>ambiances, more confortable, more attractive, for those who suffer of
>sensitive trouble and trouble motor even?
>I did not have the chance to visit the "Son-O-House" (Son en Breugel, The
>Netherlands, 2000-2003), project co-created by the Dutch architect Lars
>Spuybroek and the Dutch sound artist Edwin van der Heiden? The concept was
>very interesting and reflected the François Ascher's idea of multisensitive
>dimension? For both of them (Spuybroek and van der Heiden), senses are
>provoked by the bodely movement? What is "Son-O-House" ? : this is a "house
>where sounds live"? Such a sound work which was continuously generating new
>sound patterns, sound which is activated by sensors set up in the house? The
>sensors were picking up actual movements of visitors? Something in real
>time? It can be considered as a City in which sensors were set up and are
>picking up in real time movements of unhabitants (something physical or
>biochimic)? I was very captivated by Spuybroek/van der Heiden's work?
>Spuybroek is one of those architects who have integrated the multisensitive
>dimensions in architecture by using computer and very complex software like
>Vortex? globally, the idea of "Son-O-House" can be analysed as a desire to
>make audible what is inaudible, that is to say a very merleau-pontian
>approach? I would like to know your position of this idea of "multisensitive
>design of the city which takes the noise into account"? Of course in
>condition that all of you have time to answer?
>See you
Hi Annick,
quickly (with reading your message) some maybe interesting tracks I found
about this topic...
La Maison du futur / The House of the Future
in french: http://www.horizonzero.ca/textsite/dream.php?is=14&file=9&tlang=1
in english: http://www.horizonzero.ca/textsite/dream.php?tlang=0&is=14&file=9
L'écho d'une musique abolie / Gathering Echoes
in french: http://www.horizonzero.ca/textsite/dream.php?is=14&file=6&tlang=1
in english: http://www.horizonzero.ca/textsite/dream.php?tlang=0&is=14&file=6
Maison Nanotechnologique de demain / Nano-Home of the Future
in french: http://www.horizonzero.ca/textsite/dream.php?is=14&file=12&tlang=1
in english: http://www.horizonzero.ca/textsite/dream.php?tlang=0&is=14&file=12
La sphère publique, la sphère privée et l'invisible / The Public, The
Private, The Invisible
in french: http://www.horizonzero.ca/textsite/dream.php?tlang=1&is=14&file=10
in english: http://www.horizonzero.ca/textsite/dream.php?is=14&file=10&tlang=0
just take a look of some projects of Nicolas Schöffer (la ville
cybernétique) in the 50's
the concept of a house of "sound" is crossing all the XX° century
(Stockhausen, La Monte Young, Pierre Henry, and certainly a lot of other
The Merleau-Pontian interpretation could crossed the Foucault's analysis ...
ciao ciao
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