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Re: [microsound] technical enquiry

hello everyone,

er sorry tedious techy shit but......

i have a mac 9650 running os9, with logic 4.5, and an
audiowerk 2 in 8 out pci soundcard made by emagic. 

i am in the process of making a radio programme, which
involves me reading, and recording, bits of books into
the computer. 

when i play back the assembled montage in the arrange
window i get little clicks happening now and then,
which is really annoying. i checked out the individual
sound files (you double click on them and they come up
in their own window): when i play them individually
they're fine, which is cool as i was worried about the
record path. 

but i dont know why the arrange page view is giving me
this snap crackle and pop......i'll burn a file of the
whole sequence and see what happens then, like if the
crackle is on the final audio fiel, or whether its
just a thing on the arrange page or something. 

anyway: any advice appreciated. thank you in advance.

all the best

ben guiver

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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