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Re: [microsound] gaming joysticks as MIDI controllers?

Yes they can be used in reaktor, for any effect or ensemble with x,y functionality.
Live sticks 1.05, Enjoy v.5, Mjoy v.56. Just google it and you should find a crap load of references. You might have to do some tnkering/altering. They have inexpensive ones you can get specifically for audio software that require no tinkering. Also if you are on a PC any of the software i mentioned earlier will allow you to use a PC game controller, which should plug right into the back of your rig.


On Nov 12, 2005, at 8:05 PM, graham miller wrote:

in my quest to find new and interesting and futuristic MIDI controllers
i came across these crazy joysticks used for gaming (which i'm just
getting back into after about a 15 year absence... the last video game i
played was ultima 4 and i just bought tron 2.0 the other day and am
obsessed again):


anyway, long story short: can these be used to control reaktor or
whatnot? i can't think of anything cooler than making music with looks
like the cockpit of a fighter jet...


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