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[microsound] (ot)Audio Logic Podcast


The Audio Logic Podcast is dedicated to left-of-center music of all genres. Host by Stephen Ruiz of Zygote, the show serves as an outlet for music that flys under the radar. The show is a companion to the Audio Logic Blog, and will feature music by artists that are featured on the web site.

If you would like to have your music considered for casting, please contact zygotesf@xxxxxxxxxx

Download Here: (MP3 Format)
http://eeng.net/zygote/audiologic/audio_logic_1_pt1.MP3 (30MB)
http://eeng.net/zygote/audiologic/audio_logic_1_pt2.MP3 (24MB)

Playlist: (Production Date 12/18/05)

Audio Logic 1 - Playlist

Stereolab - Contronatura

Jackson an his computer band - Utopia

Blackheart Society - Say You Want Me

Ris Paul Ric - Purple Blaze

One Umbrella - 0101

Zygote - Hunter Vs. Sandra

Kid 606 - Done with the Scene

LCD SOundsystem - Never as tired as when I'm waking up

The Unbareables - Porn

Hot Hot Heat - Middle of Nowhere

Oida - Untitled

s t e p h e n . r u i z (of zygote & audio logic)
sounds > http://www.myspace.com/zygote
words  > http://audio-logic.blogspot.com/

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website: http://www.microsound.org