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Re: [microsound] Re: microsound Digest 10 Dec 2005 02:55:48 -0000 Issue 1522
krk v4, small enough to realistically travel with if you sort out an
appropriate case, and unlike many small actives they actually reveal what
you need revealing. for the price, nothing i know of is close, but someone
else might...
On 10/12/05, Malcolm Hamilton <malcolmscott@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I apologize if, by asking this, I'm contributing to making this list
> almost completely gear/software/tech orientated, but can anyone
> recommend a pair of inexpensive but decent monitor speakers that're
> very small & easy to travel with? I'm working from a powerbook w/ a
> Digi002, and need to be able to set up a little mobile studio to
> write at while traveling this year. Please feel free to email me off-
> list if folks are getting bored of questions like this--
> malcolmscott@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Thanks for any help,
> Malcolm
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