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Re: [microsound] i know this has been said before but....

Why do many people focus soley on the process with which any type of electronic music is made? The methodology? What about the final result? How many guitars are sold that function in basically the same way? How many traditional instrument period? Its what you do with them, what you create that should garner ones attention.

A friend recently opened my ears to Konono No.1 "Congotronics" and the whole thing was done on street corners using everything from guitars to home made instruments. Should i disparage this music because the method in which it was made is ho hum, recreated by almost anyone who would want to do so? It makes no sense to me. I listen to a piece that is created to appreciate it, not dissect the process which was used to create said piece. Why stop at music, why not slam modern painters because they are using the same tired mediums of generations past, using the same styles. Yawn Yawn.;( I find that line of rationale so illogical.

Art wether it be visual, sonic, kinetic, or whatever should be enjoyed for what it is in most cases, an expression of creativity. A communication of creativity, of ones self. Dissect a motorcycle if your into that sort of thing, but even there you will find art and beauty if you so choose to look for it. Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance anyone? Robert Persig wrote a great book on this subject matter a long time ago. Anyhoo i do not know how people who think in this fashion can call themselves artist's. Harsh i know, but so is dismissing anyones work because of the process with which it was made. I also find it funny that someone could come to a solid conclusion after listening to a piece for 30 sec, or even ten minuets for that matter, ADD and the MTV generation anyone?

Has anyone ever listened to something over a long period of time and went from a luke warm admiration of said piece to a serious respect of it? Art needs to be studied, not treated like a TV commercial or MTV blurb.


On Jan 27, 2006, at 12:42 PM, Jason Hollis wrote:

Agreed. Not impressed.
- make floaty monotonous 10+ min guitar song
- run backward
- distort

Easy peasy.
Thanks for sharing though. =)



On Jan 27, 2006, at 8:55 AM, Edward George wrote:

try http://www.bleep.com/current_item.php?selection=MEGO029_DM
Thanks...interesting 30 seconds of backwards sound.
One of the reviewers here wasn't too impressed:
anyway, thanks for the link.

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