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Re: [microsound] what in London?

There's an electroacoustic show at City University, London, just south of Angel, on March 7, 7pm- details here:


It's in the basement of the College Building, on St John Street- the room can be a bit hard to find, so show a bit early if you come, and book a seat by calling ahead on 020 7040 8284. We always go for a few drinks afterwards. If any microsounders come, please say hello- most people there will know who I am.

all the best,

I'll be in London about in the middle of March... is there anything interesting up there in those days? concerts or whatever?

and.. sorry for the post.. is this an announce or not? :-)

thank you!
M  a  s  s  i  m  i  l  i  a  n  o                  V  i  e  l

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