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Re: [microsound] protools and m-auudio - question?

Hi Kellie

If you have a M Audio Delta 1010 LT card you can use pro tools by just buy the software. I have the same set up for mac. The card is a 10 in 10 out PCI virtual studio and will run you about $299 USD. Stand alone ProTools is about 199 GBP. The stater MAudio kit is about 349 GBP and that includes the MBOX. Mind you this is all for Mac so the prices for PC might be cheaper. But I got my setup from soundcontrol. www.soundcontrol.co.uk

Best of luck.


Kelli Dipple wrote:
Does anyone know the best set up for protools LE on a PC - and an
appropriate audio card. I understand that M-audio make a few cards that
are compatible. Does anyone have any experience of this setup, or advice
on the best direction to go without aquiring the full protools hardware


-----Original Message-----
From: michael trommer [mailto:trommer@xxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: 28 February 2006 13:03
To: microsound
Subject: Re: [microsound] [ot] i'm looking for hi rez images of
DNAelectrophoresis gels

Have you tried the prelinger archives ?

On 2/28/06 2:04 AM, "Graham Miller" <grahammiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

know any good medical stock footage sites that might have any hi rez images? the ones on google images i searched for a) either have or b)

are too small to take to print...

any textbook that i can scan would be useful as well...

weird, i know, but i need them!

all the best


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