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Re: [microsound] Derivative Music
Sound for me is a fabric of life, so I take sounds for what they are in
whatever context I am and apply them to however I need them. How's that for
a Cagean answer.
I'm fascinated by popular music. And at the same time, I have a genuine love
for the freedom of sound and the opening of ears to the possibilities of new
things. Our interests and experiences shape our creative subconscious.
My answer is that I approach all music making as a sonic exploration, really
disregarding any attention on medium or style, so that it does all function
as challenging listening. In whatever context, I am always trying to expand
notions and expectations of sound and music.
The special challenge is being able to do that and get people's heads to bob
at the same time...
On 2/23/06 1:24 PM, "jeff gburek" <tsazmaniac@xxxxxxxxx> scribed:
> , at least from our
>> vantage point,
>> like a DJ playing two records at the same time and
>> doing so
>> in a sonically-very-displeasing way!
> this is a very intriguing question i would like to see
> more input on: the background for this is my
> involvement in music that is considered very difficult
> ( sat time extremely quiet or silent, at times
> abrasive and at times hard to identify as music, using
> instrumenst in subversive ways, hence why we begin to
> stop thinking "music" the way that some painters
> stopped thinking of representation. but a colleague in
> this difficult music said "i make music to make people
> happy" but i also know for a fact many doing this
> music who would challenge that idea and or completely
> deny it any basis in their sound art at all. i come to
> take an interest in microsound not from any dance
> music background, so my idea is to create sound as
> challenge environment for the art of listening and for
> causing reflection on the nature of sound. it has
> nothing to do with entertainment. so...where do you
> other listers stand on this issue?
> j.ff gbk
> http://www.futurevessel.com/orphansound/
> http://www.mattin.org/desetxea.html
> http://www.djalma.com
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