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Re: [microsound] minimal release formats
I would personally be quite happy with a CD-r, with some very artistic,
unique, or thoughtful packaging. Honestly in these days, a lot of people
have their CD's burned to hard drive, i-pod, or else have just the discs
in those 128-disc notebooks, so often the packaging just sits in a corner
somewhere anyway.
I personally think it would be cool to include something in the packaging
like a small piece of artwork, perhaps 1 or 2 small pieces that would fit
on my fridge or desk for example.
This work sounds wonderful by the way, I'd love to pick up a copy when
it's released.
> I have a work by one of the audiobulb artists. It is very simple and very
> beautiful. Constructed from sparse guitar notes, spaces, paino notes, the
> sounds of his everyday routine (washing hands, cleaning teeth). The whole
> album consists of tracks using one sound at a time - no layering -
> following
> strict mathematical sequences that relate to the artist's internal
> structure.
> note - note - note - silence - tap runinning - different note etc....
> The work is minimal, artistic, concrete and msucial in places - but the
> song
> structures are far from conventional - but they are emotional (to me at
> least).
> How to release such a work is the question? I wonder about demand &
> format.
> How are cd-r's (in beautiful packaging) received by the consumer?
> Alternatively we could press the minimum 500 CDs.... but I worry about
> demand.... How to promote such a work. I know it has been done before....
> but I would appreciate guidance and opinions......
> David @ Audiobulb
> www.audiobulb.com
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