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[microsound] re: podcasting? / upload ?/ getting sound file onto the web question.......
Dear Microsounders,
hello. i am doing an art exhib in april in london-i'll
send the flyer when i've done it.
i have a tech query, a bit low tech but anyway:
i have a half hour radio program (part of the
exhibition) which i want to be available on the web
for three months. a friend suggested podcasting it,
but i have no idea basically. i was thinking about
just putting it onto archive.org, or trying to
persuade the ubu.com people to try it, and obviously i
could get a mate who isnt busy on their own sites to
throw up a page for the download.
but what do you think? whats the easiest way (with
some quality of access etc) to get a half hour radio
program, which i'll mp3 prior to uploading, onto the
web for people to access?
thanks in advance for reading this. apologies for
being a bit of a lowbrow. i'll get round to the flyer
as i say. hopefully i can be of help to people in the
thanks again.
yours sincerely,
ben guiver
07958 658569 (london)
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