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Re: [microsound] TWiki question


On 3/22/06, Björn Eriksson <nowerik@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Do you have any pointers to some pages at this place?

i looked around the main page and they have a nice display where the
wikis that are hit more show up with larger fonts.

this could be ok- and accounts are free. i'm not sure how we would
hand out 'write access' to the wiki, but i think we should do a pilot.
my guess is that someone will hand out the account credentials, but it
may be that everyone registers at the site independently and as they
are registered, they are allowed write access to the wiki by an admin
of the .microsound wiki. don't see any showstoppers here. i know björn
will [probably] help some, but maybe some others will too?

send me a note off list if you're interested.

i guess the kinda things i'm thinking about for the wiki:
- how is access granted
- how flexible are design elements
- attachments?

if others have additional concerns, please send them my way.

\js  [ http://or8.net/~johns/ ]

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