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Re: [microsound] question: who is making the most interesting minimal techno right now?

try the new sleeparchive "radio transmissions", it's great.

not everything from m_nus is crap, the gaiser 12" is good.

unfortunately the fashion for retro-electro sounds is quite annoying, let's hope is coming to an end soon.



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On 16/03/2006 at 1.17 jeff gburek wrote:
>--- Graham Miller <grahammiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> haven't bought a CD in years of this type and i'm
>> looking for
>> inspiration.  please no mention of m_nus or all that
>> crap on ghostly. it
>> bores me to tears. all the labels i once loved are
>> either out of
>> business (force inc) or in the business of making
>> the same kind of music
>> over and over again (~scape and whatnot...). i used
>> to be into steward
>> walker, twerk, sutekh, raster noton, algorithm, mike
>> shannon...
>>  everything i've heard coming out of m_nus is balls.
>> you couldn't pay me
>> to listen to matthew dear or magda. gimme something
>> good. gimme
>> something groundbreaking. gimme something futuristic
>> and funky. gimme
>> something psychedelic and deep. where is the state
>> of the art right now?
>> or is minimal dance music passé and i'm just
>> hopelessly out of the loop.
>> g.
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