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[microsound] culture industrytraps/opposing commodification of experimental music

as I already pointed out, there can be no major turn-arounds in culture perception until major turn around in global economic system....
if culture industry is just one branch of world capitalist system, then action must be took towards the whole, not towards its one part...

we all know or guess wrong and harmful influences of "mass culture", of its ideologies and its system of values, its ways of functioning...
that's the reason why we are now on this list, although with various musical/cultural/political preferences...

all we are (I am) saying is that all this "net" phenomenon: copyleft (against "copyright"), net labels, free downloads, new forms of distribution - are just potential markers of what is possible if once socio-economical base of world society is changed...
this phenomenon brings new ways of approaching culture, of deliberating culture (music): its purpose and its role...
it is powerful social declaration....as experimental music itself is - powerful, progressive social declaration that defies mystifications, simplifications and always is on a - search...

I see this topic inseparably connected to the discussion that was led on last year's Erstquake 2 festival in NYC...
there was a forum day where Keith Rowe, Jullien Ottavi and Dion Workman spoke about "new forms of distributing experimental music"...
Ottavi himself is occupied with investigation of perception of a commodity which contains "experimental music" on it...
like cd-media...I will supply links soon...

it is pretty logic step forward for experimental music; on its way of subversion of common/traditional perception and experience of music - it came to this phase, 
which yet has to develop....


one more time - www.mattin.org

                 Die Kunst ist tot
Es lebe die neue Maschinenkunst Tatlins