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Re: [microsound] adorno smiles

Sound Y

 New posibilites

 The question is raised over the discourse of lenguajes, the crossroads of
four basic discourses: The discourse of the boss (that it expanded from
voice acousmatique as a ideology) the discourse of university ( verdad
reprimida) , the discourse of histeria ( pop discourse ) and the discourse
of arts ( the most paradox the inverse from all between discourse web, the
vanitas ).

Culture was take function of an impetus, as the "binimio" with education, a
large number of initaitives came into being, "The national parlament of
culture in México" create a new forms in education, a new concept of
culture, new laws and new ideologie, with the objetive of starting a large
cultural reflection that would also have an impact outside region.

 The concept for the Y sound took up this ideas, while also developing the
indentity of new culture in México. It focus on the electronic materials and
its implications for art and society.

 Think in new culture.

 The spectrum of Y sound is relative easy - ranging to use just a laptop as
an art instrument and ears, as a piano tunner.

The sound were marked by signs of an emerging wich was not have radical
implications on arts culture and society.

- a new lenguajes and forms to destroy the digital divide.

- work, leisure time and society were restructured.

- the laptop become the central piece of equipment with out walls. In the
case of periferic cities the electronic blackboard will be create a global
interface for educational works.

- a new kind of artistic came to being, as well as a new image and Y sounds;
interactivity, global net works and of course its contrary new forms of
piracy as hackers.

Over the last part the piracy works as emerging economy with an electronic
nervous sistem, a real *deconstruction*. The internet become a structure
with the paradox question:

¿ The dot-com world is just an irrational exuberance an irrational economy
or just a form of unitiy ?.

Alex Casales.

2006/3/8, Kim Cascone <kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> > for total abolishment of culture industry (and all its direct and =
> > indirect consequences: idolatries, life in luxury, new cd's, massive =
> > concerts, posters, brain-washed audiences...) which promotes musical =
> > stagnation, cliches and molds as only possible form of promotion -
> > much =
> > more has to be done before...
> >
> > this has nothing to do with "nice wishes", but with (possible)
> > objective =
> > development of human race and, therefore, its culture...
> >
> > net-labels and "downloadable music" is just a hint of what could be
> > done =
> > in a world where capitalism would be long-gone history...
> this is very nicely put!...and I agree 100%...Herr Adorno must be
> smiling...
> :)
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