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Re: [microsound] Physical Media - aura in an age of immaterial reproduction

"mat.the.w" <craque@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> In my opinion, it's not the music we're buying, it's the packaging,
> presentation and convenience of distribution. 

So, if I were to release a nicely packaged blank CD, you would buy it?
I seriously doubt it.

> The discussion (IMHO) should really be about the larger Music Industry,
> new ways of distributing your music without the *need* to make money
> it. As a corollary, the need to make music that isn't dependent on a
> financial gain.

I agree that the issues expressed about "capital" would better be
in regard to those with insincere motivations, and I say, if you are fed
with the practices of the corporate music industry, then just ignore them
and don't 
buy their music. As for the "need" to make money from music -  in the
realm of 
music that this list group is generally about, the "need" mostly comes in
the form 
of covering costs and generating funds for future activities, so that
can focus their personal finances on things like food and rent; however,
trying to 
get to the point where it not only helps cover food and rent of the
organizers, but 
also helps the artists do so, should by no means be looked at as a "bad"
For those who do see this as a disagreeable thing, I suggest quitting
your job, 
giving away all of your possessions (including your computer) and move to
ashram, monastery, or similarly secluded community, because otherwise you

need to rethink your expectations of how the rest of the world *should*

Bests, Dale

I've bought several of 
> Kim's,
> Taylor's and Richard's releases on vinyl and mp3 (iTMS), but don't 
> fool
> yourself that music sales are a huge source of income. As far as 
> these
> artists are concerned, I doubt they believe that either.
> The discussion (IMHO) should really be about the larger Music 
> Industry, and
> new ways of distributing your music without the *need* to make money 
> from
> it. As a corollary, the need to make music that isn't dependent on 
> a
> financial gain.
> //\
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