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[microsound] The Political Economy of Noise

not too long ago, i posted these two texts written by
mattin and jeff gburek, theses on noise. strange now
we have a discussion about the old bible on the
subject. kabbalism anyone? after being out int the
desert and in the swamps again, my only new addition
would be that "noise is always a resultant of
previously conditioned discrete eco-systems. the
perception of dissociation is inherent to the defining
of noise as a frame of confusion."
--jeff gburek, July 27, Charleston, SC

Theses on Noise 


What the fuck is Noise? 

Precisely because of its indeterminacy noise is the
most sensuous human 
activity / practice. To try to fix it or to make it a
genre is as fucked 
up as believing in democracy. 


If you make noise it is likely that somebody else is
going to hear you, 
this means Noise is a social activity. 


The capacity to make Noise is available to all, but
its revolutionary 
potential comes from those who want to disturb the
commodification of 
Noise - as M.A.N point out in their website


To say ?this is good Noise? or ?that is bad Noise? is
to miss the point. 


Noise without meaning nor finality is revolutionary as
long as it does 
not support anything or anybody. 


This is not to say that Noise under capitalism can be
an autonomous 
activity. But if neither language nor bombs help you
to destroy our 
reality, Noise helps us to get rid of our anxiety. 


It is more important to fuck the minds of the audience
than to fuck your 
ears - and vice versa. 


The identity process that occurs as people are making
Noise must be 
constantly rejected. To be a ?Noisician? is even more
pathetic than to 
be a ?musician?. 


Factory workers in the previous centuries have
indirectly been the most 
sustained and brutal players of Noise. Recognition of
our past should 
always be present. 


Economic exploitation still occurs, even if now the
production of Noise 
does not produce an object. The process of Noise
making has in itself 
become the object of financial and symbolic market


The old conception of noise was to believe in freedom,
the new 
conception of Noise is to achieve freedom. 


25th May 2006, London 




1)Noise is centrifugal, not centripital. There can be
no consensus on Noise. Noise moves away from all
centers of identification. There will always be more
Noise than one can listen to. Inappropriateness is the
priority of Noise.

2)Mothers against Noise(M.A.N.) is most likely a
creation of the publicity department of Village Youth
ltd., a NYC based corporation involved in bringing
noise in line with corporate marketing standards for
3) Noise is not an object (nor an objective) but
rather a complex of occassions. One cannot be a
Noisician for the very same reason musicians are not
in control of muses. One controls a vehicle for
delivery but not what it carries: who can tell the
truck-load of chickens when to cluck? Noise cannot be

4) One is at the mercy of noise. Noise is not always
heard. While it is true that the largest of our noises
tend to be noticeable socially, there is also another
level to Noise that is infra/super/sonic. Our bodies
are carriers of this noise. Noise is deeper than any

5) Noise is a method of diplacement of energy. Like
the calm of the storm, it is only temporary. Noise
cannot survive. Noise is anxious about nothing. There
are no devices that record Noise.

Jeff Gburek
June 26, 2006
Eurasian Corridor

--- kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> I am totally astonished and pleased at the repsonse
> to my book club  
> proposal...I have read Attali's book at least a
> dozen times and have  
> used it in countless papers I've written for
> academic journals...

j.ff gbk




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