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Re: [microsound] humorous beasts

do me a favour and define fanboy please.

seems a pretty derogatory term to me and better make sure i'm not one.


Kim Cascone wrote:
seriously if every thread needs to include
socialist dogma then retitle the list as "microsocialist" or something
like that. Or at least include a warning on the homepage "all ye who
enter beware PHD level discussion of Marxism". ;-) <- note the winking.

some people are allergic to '-ism's' -- but then that's just another '-ism' isn't it, since any system of ideas or opinions can be labeled an 'ism' -- no?

Marxist analysis is one of many critical frameworks that can be applied to cultural discussions...and happens to be one which determines how I 'receive' art and music...

we all have a lens through which we color the world don't we?

again, the microsound list was intended to be a forum for discussing aesthetics and philosophy as applied to digital music -- so it stands to reason that a Marxist analysis would be one of many applied to a discussion...

if you see absolutely no relation between music and politics - or between art and philosophy or art and mathematics or any other interesting graft that provokes an interesting discussion - then this might not be the place for you...sorry, but I don't want this list turning into a trainspotting fanboy list and I feel it's my duty to keep the 'fanboy to philosophy' ratio adjusted according to the founders recipe...

and if this bugs you then the solution is very simple: start a list that reflects your own mission...

it's funny how when someone invokes Deleuze it isn't slapped down as 'dogma' -- but utter the words 'Marxism' and all of a sudden everything that comes out of your mouth is branded as diatribe or dogma...it's just a framework -- and it happens to be my framework...so I'm not going to stop expressing it because it makes you uncomfortable...

if you don't like my world view then either be polite and delete my posts or unsub and start your own list...

I'm not here to make your microsound experience warm and fuzzy...

those wanting to express their opinions through the critical frameworks of Lacanian, Marxist, Schenkerian, Structuralist, Deleuzian etc. are encouraged to do so freely without intimidation from the vehemently anti-intellectual among us...just ignore them and their trolling posts...

oh and I do have a sense a humor - but your 'winky joke' was just not funny on any level! ;)


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