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Re: [microsound] humorous beasts
--- Kim Cascone <kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Marxist analysis is one of many critical frameworks that can be
> applied to cultural discussions...and happens to be one which
> determines how I 'receive' art and music...
Appears to be the only framework you're interested in. But hey if
that's what you like then criticize my piece "Pussyface" using the
marxist framework. I'm sure that will be interesting.
> we all have a lens through which we color the world don't we?
> again, the microsound list was intended to be a forum for discussing
> aesthetics and philosophy as applied to digital music -- so it stands
> to reason that a Marxist analysis would be one of many applied to a
> discussion...
True enough.. but again Marxism seems to come up far more frequently
than another other philosophy here... although I guess you've allready
explained why this is.
> if you see absolutely no relation between music and politics - or
> between art and philosophy or art and mathematics or any other
> interesting graft that provokes an interesting discussion - then this
> might not be the place for you...sorry, but I don't want this list
> turning into a trainspotting fanboy list and I feel it's my duty to
> keep the 'fanboy to philosophy' ratio adjusted according to the
> founders recipe...
I see the relationships.. I was simply trying to provoke a practical
discussion of how one conveys politics in music without using lyrics of
course. It's not that I don't have any ideas on the subject but this is
something I have not seen talked about anywhere else. Since I do not
come from the same academic background as you you'll have to try harder
to be less obfuscated.
Software can influence technique so a discussion of it does not
automatically imply a "fanboy philosophy".
But seeing how it's possible that using a piece of software could imply
some sort of political agenda .. for example the insinuation that Larry
Wall is a pro-lifer.. then discussing software can certainly be
philosphical and political.
The founders receipt is heavy on the marxism.
> and if this bugs you then the solution is very simple: start a list
> that reflects your own mission...
No thanks.. I don't have a mission or a specific agenda but yours has
become pretty clear.
> it's funny how when someone invokes Deleuze it isn't slapped down as
> 'dogma' -- but utter the words 'Marxism' and all of a sudden
> everything that comes out of your mouth is branded as diatribe or
> dogma...it's just a framework -- and it happens to be my
> framework...so I'm not going to stop expressing it because it makes
> you uncomfortable...
Based on the find command.. I see that Deleuze is mentioned a fraction
of the number of times that Marx is mentioned. Also I think Deleuze
simply does not carry the same baggage that Marx does.
My only issue with you is your academic elitism, your obvious arrogance
and self righteous know it all-ness about the subject of Marxism.
Otherwise I'm sure you are a wonderful person with alot to share.
> I'm not here to make your microsound experience warm and fuzzy...
Well I'm convinved that this list is inappropriately titled as the
relationship between any discussion here and "microsound" is purely
Indeed your mission seems to be to beat people over the head with your
biased view of the world.
> those wanting to express their opinions through the critical
> frameworks of Lacanian, Marxist, Schenkerian, Structuralist,
> Deleuzian etc. are encouraged to do so freely without intimidation
> from the vehemently anti-intellectual among us...just ignore them and
> their trolling posts...
Of course if you do not express it from any of the prescribed
frameworks ye shall be beaten over the head with links to wikipedia and
many references to marxism.
> oh and I do have a sense a humor - but your 'winky joke' was just not
> funny on any level! ;)
I'd like to hear a joke from you as long as it does not involve marx
etc. Or is the witty titling of threads the extent of which you will go
for humor?
Yours truly and forever
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