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Re: [microsound] the power of sound
The dream machine is what I was thinking of... how did it work?
I attended a James Turrell lecture in Nashville once where he talked about
how a former studio assistant had taken (stolen) his technology/programs
to Japan to work on a cartoon. The technology was abused and hundreds of
children wound up in the hospital with epileptic seizures. Turrell had to
make a formal apology.
the following is from : http://www.hi-beam.net/fw/fw23/0850.html
> > There is some interesting background on this
> story.
> > Apparently there
> > was some connection between the people who worked
> on
> > this show and James
> > Turrell. They'd taken some of his work, and sped
> it
> > up to fit within
> > the time constraints of the show. Safe in its
> > original configuration,
> > it became dangerous in this accelerated
> > presentation. Turrell told this
> > story in a recent presentation at CCAC here in San
> > Francisco.
> >
> > He had previously told a story of a woman suing
> him
> > for visual trickery
> > -- she leaned against a wall, a plane of light
> that
> > wasn't exactly load
> > bearing, and fell -- and subsequently being sued
> by
> > the Whitney, where
> > the exhibit was mounted. He contrasted this with
> > the Japanese experience,
> > where an apology was all that was necessary to put
> > things right.
BUT back to sound- has anyone looked into Maryanne Amacher's work? the
Sound Characters album using rapidly alternating frequencies (i think) to
cause your eardrum to vibrate so that it generates sounds that are not
coming from the speaker- the ear becomes an instrument.
> >
> Actually I think I was thinking about "Seven Souls" by Material (feat WSB)
> -
> he reads something there about "to date we do not have sound sufficiently
> powerful to act as a practical weapon". I like the fact you can never tell
> when he's serious about these things. But I've also got some memory about
> some sort of social control idea he had about starting a riot by playing
> back riot sounds in a street. Sort of extreme phonography?
> How was the dream-machine BTW - I seem to recall some scaremongering
> article
> about it being linked to suicides (Kurt Cobain had one apparently).
> Presumably you made it through unscathed.
>>From: Rod Stasick <rod@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>Reply-To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>Subject: Re: [microsound] the power of sound
>>Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 08:24:19 -0500
>>Are you talking about Brion Gysin's "Dreamachine"?
>>I bought one of those in the 80's.
>>On 2006 Oct 23, at 8:03 AM, gpond@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>>>Wasn't William Burroughs interested in sound as a weapon?
>>>I think what Burroughs said was if he was a good writer then he could
>>>write something that would kill, that is probably why he experimented
>>>light sculptures made from of record players that aimed to induce
>>> seizure
>>>from the high rate of flickering light that they produced.
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