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[microsound] gilding frames
> Appears to be the only framework you're interested in.
ah but it seems that you are sampling from a short period of
time...if you were to have read all my posts since 1999 you'd see
this is not the case...your data gathering is not statistically
correct hence your conclusion is flawed...maybe you should read some
of my work and see if you still feel the same way...I believe it is
all available on the microsound Wiki site somewhere :)
> Based on the find command.. I see that Deleuze is mentioned a fraction
> of the number of times that Marx is mentioned.
again, your statistics and analysis are questionable...was your data
sampling from one email? two emails, a week, a month, a years worth
of posts? what sampling timeframe do you base your analysis on?
besides, I think you'll find most of the instances of the word
'marx*' (i.e., marxism, marxist, marxian, etc) are probably not from
me...since it seems to me that others tend to get their knickers in a
twist over all this...e.g., for example in this particular digest it
seems you have used the word quite frequently while I have not...
> Also I think Deleuze
> simply does not carry the same baggage that Marx does.
only in the USA...in other places in the world Marx travels much more
lightly in terms of baggage! ;)
carry on comrade