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Re: [microsound] .microsound podcast Firefox issues

As Steffen pointed out, the typical RSS reader will not load all old
entries in one go or at least by default. I mainly added this facility
to take advantage of those music players that can read these feeds--in
my case, to stream this material through my squeezebox into my 'big'
hifi (and it reads the project in full). This actually made me wish
the material was in lossless format, but that's another discussion...


On 3/24/07, Steffen <stffn@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 24/03/2007, at 18.23, Kim Cascone wrote:

> also, is there a way to be able to podcast an entire project
> without having to select each title for playback?

The idea about a podcast is that you download new stuff as it come.
Not as such to share/distribuate a bulk of things that are the
product of a (non work in progress) project.

If your podcast feed reading software (aka your podcast aggregator)
support to download all "old" podcast or all podcasts in that feed,
then you can get them in one go.

Try to sub to it in iTunes (Advanced -> Subsccribe to Podcast ->
Paste the direct url you get of the .microsound podcast page, fx
dircaster.php?project=PiDay2007>) another podcast capable program,
cf. <http://www.podcastingnews.com/topics/Podcast_Software.html>.

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