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Re: [microsound] New Pi Day 2007 Piece Uploaded: PiData
p.s alternate title is Happy Pi Day
Noel Peters
> Zapruder Effect Meets Pi is an extension of visual artist Jai McKenzie's
> installation piece "The Zapruder Effect" in which she re-presents the raw
> material of television mediated imagery to initiate a dialogue about the
> logistics of perception; the mass consumption of assumed truths and
> meanings; and our resultant collective response to contemporary world
> events.
> In "Zapruder effect Meets Pi" the recording of Marilyn Monroe singing
> Happy Birthday to JFK is timestetched 3.14 semitones for seven intervals
> (approximately 22 semitones) layered and then reversed to represent the
> circular re-access and re-presentation of iconic media.
> These aporetic net-present events mark out the circularity of space-time
> and the paradoxical American hegemony.
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