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Re: [microsound] New Pi Day 2007 Piece Uploaded: PiData
Zapruder Effect Meets Pi is an extension of visual artist Jai McKenzie's
installation piece "The Zapruder Effect" in which she re-presents the raw
material of television mediated imagery to initiate a dialogue about the
logistics of perception; the mass consumption of assumed truths and
meanings; and our resultant collective response to contemporary world
In "Zapruder effect Meets Pi" the recording of Marilyn Monroe singing
Happy Birthday to JFK is timestetched 3.14 semitones for seven intervals
(approximately 22 semitones) layered and then reversed to represent the
circular re-access and re-presentation of iconic media.
These aporetic net-present events mark out the circularity of space-time
and the paradoxical American hegemony.
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