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Re: [microsound] pi day project
- To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [microsound] pi day project
- From: Kevin Paul <kcpaul@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:17:27 -0600
- Dkim-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=beta; h=domainkey-signature:received:received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:content-type:content-transfer-encoding:content-disposition:references; b=C0FcLMsDZd4aFkZ8UMhywb43pLJl6zbVySSqiJ3epI8hJxzUsjsd3Aw1Qmfr4PncMyhi2RBQOSk+EKN9CvGM0FJttujvhxYkGGQ2u7DQEt/DhhCyxFfp3nFR9vpKivS1ZjfLAnGACsem+9wr8eghBT2XpXNPbcTVpObbZRKp0vY=
what is your working deadline?
On 3/14/07, Kim Cascone <kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
first of all
happy pi day
secondly, if you are serious about contributing to this project
please send an email to the list once you have a piece ready to upload
if you have visuals let us know where to view them online
remember the deadline is March 17th
fire up those laptops and make something! :)
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