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[microsound] [OT] Calling Johan Gustavsson aka Tsukimono

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the spam - but I'm trying to get in touch with Johan
Gustavsson.  My netlabel is working on a remix comp and we're trying
to see if he'd be interested.  He released with us in the past, but
the email address I've got for him is bouncing back to me - and
myspace is giving me errors when I try to send a message to his

Does anyone know his current email address?  Much obliged!

Again, sorry to spam these lists with off topic messages.  Please
email me off list if you have his contact info - thanks!

Erik Schoster
LuvSound Records

music: www.hecanjog.com / www.cedarav.com
community: www.luvsound.org / www.storycorps.net

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