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Re: [microsound] OT: I am stupid
? ? hat gesagt: // ? ? wrote:
> I think I've broken the 'mic input' of my laptop by inputting my guitar via
> the 'Output' socket of my guitar amp. Now the 'mic input' doesn't output
> anything I plug into it and when I test the hardware via Control Panel the
> recording volume slider goes straight down, accompanied by volume spikes
> (e.g. the level indicator shows a very loud sound coming and going every
> second or so).
> My laptop/sound card still plays music as well as before, as long as I keep
> the 'Microphone' volume muted.
> Any idea what my options are?
> - Is it something that I can fix myself by downloading something?
Downloading something is always good, but I'm sure it won't help. ;)
> - Is it a hardware problem that can easily (i.e. cheaply) be fixed by an
> expert?
I believe this is a hardware problem, and I would guess - which is all
we can do so far away from your laptop -, that you broke something in
your soundcard/microphone input plug by overloading it with too much
voltage. If it's possible to repair depends on what exactly you broke
which would need to be diagnosed with access to the laptop. And I
guess it will be just as or even more expensive than a new USB card.
> - Do I need to buy a new internal sound card?
Most laptops cannot change the internal soundcard, it's soldered.
> - Should I buy a USB recording device?
Yes. Even not so expensive USB soundcards will give you better sound
quality than the internal soundcards on most laptops. Internal cards
are only good for listening to some mp3 files on the train, and that's
still working for you.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__
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