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Re: [microsound] Homebrew OS for kaosspad3
- To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [microsound] Homebrew OS for kaosspad3
- From: reSet Sakrecoer <sakrecoer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 19:41:28 +0200
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=beta; h=domainkey-signature:received:received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:content-type:content-transfer-encoding:content-disposition:references; bh=JoCSdTdZy8oK0AL9Lz/SJ0l4BgQOoY2XzQDZzmISkNg=; b=nU0ZqiQ4eg+Wv+QloMrlWvEpMt74xKyyE9leGPX4gRotBWgVQlD2o6nH1qY2N8Z9cNwSGnfGZTtL4jwCPkWChGSayIaaW9UtyVhBAYK3hFSaVVFrunh0X/bC6LzHVv0kBmwLlKLgxiBWZgXuRup0VTNSN82o/avBrWV/AMwZaqI=
thanx for your interest!
the kaosspadug list is not as pessimistic:
quoting electri-fire:
"Indeed the OS can be updated, and I have the impression the update
replaces the entire OS , instead of just replacing the changed bits.
I wonder if the loading of the update is implemented into ROM in the
hardware. Some BIOS of sorts I think it's called? If that's the case
you could randomly hack the update file and see what happens,
"bender's style".
If this crashes the device you could just
reinstall the working OS.
If on the other hand the update loader is
in the OS itself, or the
update is just partial...."
and also:
"My former suggestion :Check the inside to see the processors etc. and
find datasheets?
Maybe this can be done at your place, take Hi-res
photographs of the
circuitboard and note the IC markings?
If you
post that here I will help you find as much data as the web can
Still nobody in the game on microsound?
Kind regards,
reSet Sakrecoer
On 9/16/07, M-.-n <nostromo@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> not sure it'll ever happen. The MPC stuff seems to exists mainly because a former engineer left with the source code.
> If u'r looking at touch screen based unit, u might check out the new GP2x. The original one is rather ace. With linux running and loads of processing power. The new one adds touch screen one top and and with a bit of luck u might get USB audio device to do the in/out audio.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: reSet Sakrecoer [mailto:sakrecoer@xxxxxxxxx]
> > Sent: dimanche 16 septembre 2007 16:23
> > To: microsound
> > Subject: [microsound] Homebrew OS for kaosspad3
> >
> >
> > Is there any information available about this among you people?
> > Such as for the MPC, maybe someone knows where i could get a homebrew
> > Operative System for my KP3?
> >
> > Thanx in advance,
> > reSet Sakrecoer
> >
> > --
> > http://reset.mxx.ch
> >
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