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Re: [microsound] [idm-making] [microsound] software question

i gotta say ill prob end up going for kontakt for the time being.  i
actually have reaktor and PD already.  those programs are cool but i dont
think im ready for that right now.  i cant build anything that works the way
i want it to.  i also think that world is very distracting from actually
making music.  lots of people spend all their time just making crazy reaktor
stuff but if the end isnt musicial then who cares... only other producers.
so for me, if it takes to long to realize whats in your head then ive lost
that feeling of inspiration i originally had and the music doesnt come
across.  thats why i was wondering about kontakt.  i want to be able to put
that music down before i lose that moment.  people that are good at that
stuff prob dont have this problem.  ive done everything with basic software,
an old ass mac, and step sequencing and im upgrading (got a new comp).  if
you want to hear what my music is about check it out here.


thanks for the input guys.  anymore ideas def shoot them my way.

On 10/23/07, Frank Barknecht <fbar@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hallo,
> marc_mcnulty hat gesagt: // marc_mcnulty wrote:
> > plogue bidule is an excellent tool and at a much lower price point.
> Than Pd and SuperCollider? I highly doubt that. ;)
> Ciao
> --
> Frank Barknecht                                     _ ______footils.org__
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