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[microsound] re: Last.FM

My favourite thing about Last.FM compared to MySpace is that I can upload numerous projects with a seemingly infinite number of tracks, whilst MySpace only allows ONE project/page per account and a maximum of only FOUR tracks per page.
My stuff on last.fm:
http://www.last.fm/music/joseph+scott/September+%28excerpts%29 - Extracts from improvised guitar, vocal and laptop drones performed whilst laying in bed (except for the last one, which involved piano and the piano didn't fit in my bed).
http://www.last.fm/music/Joseph+Scott+and+Craig+Yamey/Rehearsal+%2806-01-08%29 - The second rehearsal of a project I'm doing with a friend involving him singing improvised stuff, me processing his voice via laptop to create beats, melodies, etc. in preset arrangements and then me improvising with the arrangements. The first track is the best, but as this is a rehearsal and the music is improvised, there are MANY mistakes, including crappy glitchy percussion that I introduced and swiftly removed twice.
http://www.last.fm/music/joseph+scott/Remixes - Remixes of friends' music ONLY using the original track and basic editing (e.g. chopping out tiny samples and rearranging them, EQ, changing the pitch by slowing and speeding up samples like back in the day - no granular synthesis, etc!).
Who's friends with who and co-starred in what?