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Re: [microsound] Re: Last.FM

Sue em! Sue everybody. Its america son! The land of the lawyers and the almighty lawsuit!

Its probably a matter of corporate beauacracy. Unappreciated cogs in the wheel full-filling the most minimal of responsibilities.

Wonder how many tracks have been downloaded.


On Jan 10, 2008, at 5:18 PM, reSet Sakrecoer wrote:

My experience is from the good old audioscrobbler.com days, when day where still "indy". They sold out to universal or something like that now, shortly after becoming last.fm and now i see it as another big money machine. It is free to register as a label because they benefit from your "free" music. But
when you pay, you get acces to extra promotion banners.

I had a label page and when they sold out, i had to go thru alot of pages with crazy user terms that freightend me with stuff like "you give your rights as long as your files are on our server, including eventual backup copies" and by clicking here you agree to these 23435359835 paragraphs... so i erased my label (i had my hole discography there, when i only have a few tracks on myspace) and guess what: Thers is still a dozen mp3's of mines available there for free download that i can't remove since i lost access to
the control pannel.... :(

I think it was a great egineering step in the statisitc world, making a new, more livley way of charting music... But i doubt it since there is so much
money involved.

I still have my user account thou but i removed the iScrobbler from my
computer so its not up to date anymore. it should be last.fm/users/ sakrecoer

I would also like to add that i agree that there is alot of diversity in there, which makes the radio stations realy attractive! :) But there is so
many users, that the contrary would be realy sad!

My point with this mail is not to say it is "fucked up"... But i'm not down with majors claming they are helping independent artists.... majors only
help themselfs in my experience of life.

Carpe Diem,
/reSet Sakrecoer

On Jan 10, 2008 10:39 PM, aleks vasic <bvasic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: