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Re: [microsound] the last.fm panopticon

well said.

mr. tuttle:)

On 30-Jan-08, at 9:18 PM, Gary R. Weisberg wrote:

but the sad state of the world is that our data are already heavily
tracked/spied upon/warehoused in the marketplace by corporate interests


While I always find your comments on market economics and the politics of culture insightful, and sometimes enlightening, I feel it necessary to play a bit of devil's advocate regarding this last post. Firstly, although there are definitely negative (and at times frightening) aspects of the ways in which corporate interests intrude upon our lives, I thinks it's a bit much to consider it 'the sad state of the world...' when entities who are, after all, in the business of making money, resort to data mining practices in the course of their endeavors. Most of us still (so far) have freedom of choice, and the axiom 'caveat emptor' does still apply to those of us who are intelligent enough to make our own decisions about where we go, virtually and otherwise. Delving into any site's privacy policy can usually give you enough info to make your own decision as to whether or not you choose to put yourself out in the open regarding last.fm, myspace, or any other 'social networking' type of environment. If you find the benefit of the site outweighs the fact that your choices are being data-mined, that's your choice. Nothing sad about it. So far, the goon squad is not breaking down your door in the middle of the night to haul you away, Mr. Buttle, just because you were listening to a Skatenigs track. You may get spam, but, hey, that's
what filters are for...

Secondly, I think it's more of a stretch to use the prison (panopticon) metaphor in this situation, unless you truly believe that is what we all exist in. That implies there really IS no free will, and
that really is a disturbing idea.

There you have it - my 2 cents.


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