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Re: [microsound] sinecube
I'm not familiar with sinecube, but I'm guessing their applications might be
similar to ixi's:
On 3/12/08 3:51 AM, "jochen gutsch" <hinterlist@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> hello there.
> i used to have great fun using the sinecube applications sandbox, amoeba, etc.
> however the fun stopped when I switched to mac osx since the applications are
> os9 only.
> can anybody recommend similar standalone programs for osx that are easy to
> use? please note I am a musician (not a computer programmer) so no complicated
> stuff please.
> thanks and kind regards,
> jochen
> www.hinterlandt.com
> www.virb.com/hinterlandt
> ps - i'm sorry if this has been discussed earlier, i have been away from this
> list for a while.
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