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Re: [microsound] pearls before swine

babilano wrote:

Do you feel it matters if your music is not heard outside a small group of cognoscenti?

I'm much more concerned with the activity than the artefact, so I'm relatively un-bothered about who comes to my shows, buys my offerings etc. compared to wanting to engage more directly with as wide a range of people as I can, especially non-specialists. I'm certainly not attached to the idea that developing a taste for 'difficult' music is, in and of itself, character building or some such guff.

Can that ever change?

Does it matter if it doesn't? I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with specialization. The problems, as I see them, that inform categorizations of music by 'difficulty' etc., are rooted in our wider musical / artistic culture, and the tendency for many people to be discouraged from participation from a young age.

Or is it like expecting a monkey to appreciate the taste of ginger?

I have no expectations about that :)


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