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Re: [microsound] Graphic Scores

Stefan Kostka wrote a university-level book entitled *Materials and
Techniques of 20th Century Music*, which has a chapter on visual and
non-traditional scores. It also has a good bibliography at the end of each
chapter; that could give you more resources.

On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 10:09 AM, craquemat <craque@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> John Cage's "Notations" is an indispensable resource for collected graphic
> scores.
> Morton Feldman's block notations are beautiful examples.
> Of course Cage himself was a pioneer in this area. Almost everything he
> wrote after the 1950's involved graphic scores of some sort, he completely
> eschewed traditional notation at one point in his career.
> A lot of David Tudor's scores were also non-traditional in this way.
> Pauline Oliveros has also created some graphic scores having to do with
> mandalas that are quite beautiful to perform.
> I'm also reminded of the scores by Philip Larson that call for extended
> uses of the voice (not exactly "synthesis" but interesting nonetheless).
> jason wrote:
>> I'm currently carrying out research into graphic scores and synthesis. I
>> was wondering if list members could highlight, in their opinion some of the
>> most notable + interesting examples of this. I'm thinking along the lines of
>> Earl Brown's abstract score for December 1952 and Stockhausen's score for
>> Kontakte?
>> interested to hear your responses.
>> thanks,
>> Jess
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