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Re: [microsound] death of monoculture

--- On Mon, 8/18/08, Shannon Oram <shannonoram@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Well I wouldn't like anyone having absolute power to
> decide what 
> material we see. It's bad enough already.

Other people are allready making those decisions.. isn't that what the basic issue with "monoculture"?

> I don't get your point about youtube. Who watches a
> stream of recent 
> uploads?

It's an egalitarian system.. if mainstream media where to be egalitarian I'm saying it would be like watching a stream of recent youtube uploads.

I forget what it was called but there was cable channel that had video shorts and viewers could vote on which clips they liked and more votes meant more plays.

Anyway is mob rule (mobculture) better than monoculture?

> IMO it's still a bit early to be proclaiming the
> "death of monoculture" 
> anyway. Last time I turned on the radio, there were plenty
> of stations 
> playing the same old crap.

Satellite radio is slightly better.. but it's not like it's hard to walk around with your own listening options. IE the ipod.

> What irks me is that a radio station playing a continuous
> stream of pop hits + promotion tie-ins + advertising can even pass for a
> "shared  experience".

I have fond memories of working on my car listening to the classic rock station.. I imagine that there are many others who share a similar experience.

> If monoculture does die, it will only be the death of a
> business model.

The music industry will adapt or die.. but I don't have an expectations that the type of music they churn out will change as dramatically.

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