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[microsound] Re: mics
On Aug 31, 2008, at 8:16 AM, microsound-digest-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Kim, I'll be curious to hear your experience with the LS-10. This
seems like a great device. Unfortunately, I've heard that the
built in mics aren't great, particularly at lower frequencies. I
really like the idea of being able to grab a small recording device
out of my pocket and just hit record. If you do make recordings
with the built in mics, let me know what you think.
so far I have been recording with the LS-10 only using external mics
it is a great little unit -- a couple of things I wish it could do:
- mono recording
- 88.2kHz
- one button push for 'record into new file' while in record mode
- example: while recording into LS001 you hit the 'next' button
and immediately start recording into LS002
- have firmware updates available for OS X and Linux in addition to XP
but other than that I've been working with it a lot and really like
it a lot
the fact that my mics, recorder and headphones all fit comfortably in
my backpack makes traveling with it very easy