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Re: [microsound] texture as narrative

i have always enjoyed when one listens to a loop, even  if it is the same
sound, that doesn't physically change.. the perception of the sound
changes, depending on when your focus begins.. this is especially true with
sounds with a rhythmic element to it.

a great example of this is *0's remix on kim's "blue cubism" cd... it's just one sound repeated over and over for a few minutes.. and as you listen it becomes so mesmerizing that not only does your perception of it's start point change but the sound itself, to me anyway, becomes very vocal.. and i hear words!...


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
taylor deupree/12k

taylor deupree + richard chartier "spec." (12k1007)
taylor deupree "gen.sec" on 'ambient systems limited edition' (instinct)

taylor deupree (full length CD) (12k1008) (winter.99-00)
taylor deupree untitled 12" EP (audio.nl / netherlands)
taylor deupree remixing Goem on "extensie" (goem remix CD)
taylor deupree: kim cascone "bubblewarp" remix, on "blue cubism" (digital narcis/japan)
futique "go.low" (shadow records, 2000)