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I was watching 'Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens' last weekend and
wondered what the film would play like with a glitch soundtrack instead of
the predictable organ soundtrack provided...I had also recently seen
Phillip Glass perform a live soundtrack to Dracula and felt that it would
have been much more interesting had someone like Oval, Neina or Farmers
Manual done the sound...
so this started me thinking: which films would benefit greatly from having
their music tracks wiped and replaced with something more "post-digital"?
I started the list below and thought that someone might have suggestions
for other films and composers whose work would compliment those films...

film title (director)			composer
2001 (Kubrick)			Ryoji Ikeda
Every Man for Himself (Godard)	?
Zabriskie Point (Antonioni)		?
Last Year at Marienbad  (Alain Renais)	?
Nadja (Michael Almereyda)		?
Pi (Darren Aronofsky)		?
Picnic at Hanging Rock (Peter Weir)	?

over and out,



 November releases:

                full length:: cathodeFlower (Ritornell/Mille Plateaux)
	mp3 release:: Pulsar Studies 1 - 20 (Falsch)
	compilation:: cubeQuadratische (Herniated Mix #1) (Digital Narcis)

"the smooth always posseses a greater power of deterritorialization than
the striated."
   - Deleuze & Guattari