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LB vs. Lassigue Bendthaus
Hi Raul + other members
I don't see LB as abridgement of Lassigue Bendthaus. Some distributors do
and some fans as well. But as we know Uwe, he avoids himself from
comparisons and expectations by taking different names for different
projekts and STYLES (perhaps that's why I was expecting other style on "El
Baile", especially becouse of Senor Coconut remix of Towa Tei from December
LB allude to Lassigue Bendthaus but it is different as "Matter", "Cloned" or
even "Render". LB is more like combination between Rather Interesting sung
stuff and pop atributes of Lassigue.
Be safe -:
Raul Gonzalez wrote:
> Thanks for all of the info. I managed to find is from my usual distributor.
> It seems it was listed under LB as opposed to Lassigue Bendthaus and that
> explained my difficulty.