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Re: [microsound] Re: Music Presentation

Maybe you should try burning a CDr by one of the "popular" artists and give
it to your computer music teacher to listen to; tell him that it's by a
student friend at another campus who'd like to hear his opinion for his

It might be interesting to hear his unbiased response... ;)


> Case in point, I was recently told by my computer music teacher that I
> couldn't write one of these concert reports we have to do on the
> Pita/Fennesz/Pan Sonic show in NY because "That's popular music."  Leaving
> aside that he had only heard of Pan Sonic among the performers, I think it's
> interesting that this music gets deemed popular because the channels through
> which it disseminates and places where it's performed are more through a
> general subculture (clubs, mailing lists, etc.) than the academic route.  It
> definitely seems like it's a politicization of the presentation to me,
> especially since said teacher told me to instead write about a different
> concert on campus here which sounds much less "experimental" and relevant to
> the class but exists in an academic context.  Hey, if anyone can make
> experimental computer music and put out records, why do I deserve tenure any
> more than anyone else?
> Partially fueled by my bitterness over having to find something else to
> write about.