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Re: [microsound] Re: Music Presentation
It is also effective ask the teacher (politely) if he has heard said
artists and why
he thinks they are 'popular' and specifically why that is not acceptible
for an assignment. Presumably, a college-level teacher has a responsibility
to encourage individual thought from a student and should be able clearly
articulate his objectives.
My experience is that many, many college teachers get really insulated from
having to experience rubber neeting asphalt, much in the same way that
politicians don't really know what it is like to try to earn a living wage.
Experience-oriented questions tend to keep both groups or their toes.
-- Tim Duncan
At 08:14 PM 5/14/00 +1000, you wrote:
>Maybe you should try burning a CDr by one of the "popular" artists and give
>it to your computer music teacher to listen to; tell him that it's by a
>student friend at another campus who'd like to hear his opinion for his
>It might be interesting to hear his unbiased response... ;)
>> Case in point, I was recently told by my computer music teacher that I
>> couldn't write one of these concert reports we have to do on the
>> Pita/Fennesz/Pan Sonic show in NY because "That's popular music." Leaving
>> aside that he had only heard of Pan Sonic among the performers, I think
>> interesting that this music gets deemed popular because the channels
>> which it disseminates and places where it's performed are more through a
>> general subculture (clubs, mailing lists, etc.) than the academic route.
>> definitely seems like it's a politicization of the presentation to me,
>> especially since said teacher told me to instead write about a different
>> concert on campus here which sounds much less "experimental" and
relevant to
>> the class but exists in an academic context. Hey, if anyone can make
>> experimental computer music and put out records, why do I deserve tenure
>> more than anyone else?
>> Partially fueled by my bitterness over having to find something else to
>> write about.
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