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Re: [microsound] pop music

 << what's a good pop/microsound crossover nowadays?  >>

well, i have to plug my humourous pop experiment here (i'm sorry! =) )
it's called megaphonk http://www.mp3/megaphonk
in particular you'll find there the combo (meant to be listened together)
dishwasha killa / dishwasha massive, in which i have invented the glitchstep
genre (the term has been invented in this list a while ago and i thought it
was spot on for those tracks). these two tracks are particularly full of
scsi noises, wanted and unwanted*, augmented by very simple waveforms like
squares/saws and sines.

while you're there check out the track "my beautiful phonkette", which is
the latest track in this project, and has been put up yesterday.

*[the megaphonk project uses a hardware sampler that polls the scsi bus
every one second and a half. it is usually advised to unmount any scsi
storage medium when recording, so to avoid polling, but i kinda liked the

sorry for spamming.

m e t a . p h o n k
                                  /|\     support
                                  / \   mutation

 latest stuff:
 plate tektonix [meta.phonk] is quasi shipping.
 oyoy [megaphonk] on kläng #3 3" compilation {forthcoming}
 phonk.iccc [phonk] on kläng #1 3" compilation
 http://www.mp3/megaphonk file under parody

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